The Shopping Streets in Seoul, Korea
Trends move along the streets Not only fashion but also top shopping streets change over time. Unlike some iconic commercial districts,...

What could be in the flash drive to Kim Jung-un?
A momentous summit between Trump and Kim Jong-un is taking place which has been led by another historic meeting between the two leaders...

Why Collaboration Matters in Commercial Real Estate
One of the notable changes in consumer behavior these days is they are willing to pay not only for the products but for the experience...

Is It Too Late to Invest in Jeju?
Is it too late or does it still make sense to invest in Jeju? Here are some investment factors to be considered for Jeju real estate.

Major Business Districts in Seoul, South Korea – GBD
Gangnam Business District (GBD) is the second biggest business district in Seoul, Korea following CBD in terms of the gross leasing area.

Major Business Districts in Seoul, South Korea - CBD
CBD of Seoul is located in Jung-gu and Jongno-gu. It also accommodates the most famous shopping area and the key government offices, foreign